Spiritual and Cultural Life.

The college has a huge range of spiritual and cultural beliefs. Our boys come from many different backgrounds, including Indigenous Australians boys, and we are truly proud of our diverse range of students and the way they all co-operate to incorporate their many different beliefs into our everyday and spiritual lives.

Because we are a catholic school, we include special masses into our students timetables for them to reflect on their lives and to thank God for all that he does for us everyday.

Our Vincentian ties assure that we embody the Vincentian Charism in our everyday lives. Inspired by St. Vincent de Paul's legacy, Our boys strive to live their lives to the best of their ability, serving God and one another in humility, as well as serving the poor and disadvantaged. Not only the economically poor, but the physically disabled and the poor of heart.

The college consists of two different St. Vincent de Paul conference, the boarders conference and the day conference. We are extremely appreciative of what the boys in the conferences do for not only our school, but our local, national and global community. These boys have great initiative and do some great fundraising for Caritas Australia, the St Vincent de Paul winter appeal, The Matthew Talbot shelter for homeless men and many more. The boys do what they can to help people in the Bathurst community. These include donating money to the Bathurst St Vincent de Paul for their Christmas Appeal, but also the boys have established a group called 'The Green Team'. These boys go and assist the elderly people in our community maintain their gardens, and offer them help and company when necessary. The boys also run a group called 'Ipad for the Elderly' where they dedicate one Monday afternoon a week to teaching elderly people how to use apple products.

Last year the boarders conference formed a group called 'Youth4Youth Forum'. This forum was to raise awareness for youth held in detention centres around Australia. This day was extremely successful with many young adults from around the district attending.

 For young men of their age, we are so pleased with how they embody the Vincentian Charism in not only their spiritual lives but their everyday lives.